Wednesday, September 16, 2009

2009 Ammended Budget to be introduced

The Borough Council will introduce an amended 2009 budget tonight (Wednesday 9/16/09) at 7:30 at Borough Hall. The meeting is open to the public.

The finance committee will recommend adoption of a budget that amends the previously introduced budget. The previous budget called for a 28% increase in the amount to be raised by taxes for municipal purposes, while the current proposed budget calls for a 4% increase in the amount to be raised by taxes for municipal purposes.

Although this is a dramatic improvement over the initial budget, it is not acceptable to me and I will propose additional cuts in the budget appropriations at tonight’s meeting. I feel that the real estate tax in Bound Brook is, and has been for some time, too large a burden for taxpayers to bear. This is even more so during this time of unprecedented economic difficulties faced by our nation and the world.

It is in your interest to attend this meeting and either voice your support or your opposition to the amended budget and or any proposed modifications offered at the meeting. To help you in making this decision I will e-mail to you, at your request, an Excel spreadsheet that provides the details of the proposed budget together with a summary printout.

The spreadsheet is presented as a summary, however if you “click” on the “+” signs to the left of the sheet it will open underlying details. There are 4 levels of detail that can be opened by department and then closed by “clicking” on the “-“ sign.

You may also open all departments at once by “clicking” on the numbers 1,2,3 or 4 at the top of the left hand columns.

E-mail or call me 732-469-3983 if you have any questions and please forward this to anyone that you feel has an interest in Bound Brook taxes.

Councilman Ben Auletta

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A visit to the Cherry Blossom Display Newark NJ

 Bound Brook is an attractive residential community but we do not have much open space so "brookers" have to travel a bit to picnic in a park.  I know of a picturesque spot in the town of my birth - Newark, NJ (approximately 30 miles or 45 minutes away) that has a display of Cherry Blossoms that rivals the famous display in Washington, D. C. The clip above was taken by me a few years ago.
Check the live Webcam link Here to be certain they are in full bloom before you visit.
The address to map the location is 115 Clifton Ave., Newark, NJ

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Democrats seeking $ from Democratic Congress

Just to update you. The Borough has supplied a list of "ready to go" projects to our congressmen for consideration for grants from the stimulus package. Our "wish list" totals $5 1/2 million for the following projects:

  • $2,227,500 for Watchung Road rehabilitation

  • $1,271,875 for Metape Area Reconstruction

  • $1,740,188 for High Street rehabilitation

  • $300,000 for Vosseller Avenue Sanitary Sewer Lining

These are all projects that we really need to do and the plans are already prepared. We just need to find the money.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Changes, always Changes!

I am no longer the Chairman of the Bound Brook Municipal committee (I am still a committee member).

I have moved on to serve as Assistant treasurer of the Somerset County Democratic Committee and a member of the Executive Committee. My continuing service as an elected member of the Bound Brook Borough Council has made clear to me the importance of becoming more involved and focused on governmental activity at the County, State and National levels. Consequently, although I will continue my concerns with happenings in Bound Brook I intend expand my “sights” to monitor and seek meaningful participation at these higher levels.

I welcome discourse from citizens on issues and will always help patriots to become more involved in our self-government. Do not hesitate to contact me with your concerns, your questions and/or your desire to help as a volunteer or as a candidate for an elected or appointed position.

There is always a place for people to help, including helping me in meeting my responsibilities as a borough councilman. There are numerous opportunities to enjoy the satisfaction, excitement and fun of working in an election campaign in Bound Brook, the Freeholder race, or even for our next congresswomen, Linda Stender. Just call and I can get you “connected” for a short campaign service or for a year round opportunity for public service.

For more information on “getting involved” read my March 1, 2008 blog entry “An invitation to the party”

Saturday, March 1, 2008

An invitation to the "party"

Like the United States Marine Corps - we are always looking for a few good men (or women). We are currently interviewing Bound Brook residents who are interested in becoming a candidate for the Borough Council.
Invitation to the “party”- Help Wanted

The Bound Brook Democrats are seeking Citizen-Patriots for the following positions. The pay is minimal (actually there is no pay), but the benefits can be outstanding and extremely satisfying!

Loyal and dedicated Bound Brook residents who wish to be a true participant in effective and benevolent self-government contact Democratic Municipal Chairman, Ben Auletta 732-469-7778, For more information, or to apply. (Volunteers do not have to be residents of Bound Brook)

Training, assistance and ongoing guidance will be available for all positions.

Elected Officials

Candidate for Borough Council - often thankless and unappreciated but vital to the well-being of Bound Brook and it's citizens. Council member, acting as part of a team is responsible for monitoring and managing the operation of local government through policy setting deliberation. Primary task is preparation of annual budget and overseeing use of taxpayer’s dollars while maintaining public health and safety and necessary public services and zealously protecting the interests of the citizens. Rewards include personal satisfaction for a job well done, some degree of fame and recognition, possible stepping stone to further personal achievement, and grateful recognition of your civic contribution. Involvement as an “insider” an a daily basis results in an increased awareness of what is happening in the world around us and the excitement of being able to influence decisions affecting many people.

Skills required: self confidence and a willingness to learn, integrity and honesty, outgoing, people oriented team player with a public and or private record of achievement and service.

Municipal Committee Person – the heart of the Democratic Party. These elected party officials are the closest to party members and their “grass roots” efforts are the key to wining elections and the achievement and maintenance of effective government that is responsive to the needs and desires of our citizens. They possess fundamental powers and authority that can significantly impact government at all levels. They appoint the Bound Brook Democratic Municipal Chair and the Somerset County Chair and are extremely influential in recruiting and selecting candidates for elected and appointed office at all levels of government as well as helping to set policies and positions on legislative issues.

Requires a warm outgoing and social personality. Must truly like people and enjoy interacting with and helping others. Year round position of contact with your neighbors. Responsible for activities within a few blocks of your residence. Includes getting to know your neighbors opinions and needs and providing for a two-way flow of information about government issues and activity. Facilitates and helps neighbors interaction with government entities. Required to assist in election campaigns. Successful performance of your duties and knowledge of citizen preferences provides an increasingly powerful voice in government affairs and the ability to influence decisions.


Campaign Volunteer – The process of enlightened self-government starts here! Without the efforts of so many public-spirited patriots the opportunity to elect the best candidates for office will fail. There numerous tasks to be performed during campaigns that can range in time and effort expended from a few hours or days to seemingly full time efforts. The choice is yours and whatever time and/or money you can contribute will be welcome and truly appreciated. Learning about the candidates and issues and helping others to know and understand them is the basis of all your activity. You may be called upon to make telephone calls, deliver literature, accompany candidates while they campaign, research issues, raise funds, hold socials with your neighbors, canvass door to door, research issues, be part of the campaign planning team, serve as an election day challenger, put up lawn signs, design campaign literature and arrange for printing, help prepare mailings and a wealth of needed task as they arise. You can decide to work on local, county, state or national campaigns or combinations of several.

Serving on - Boards, Committees, or as legislative assistants on elected officials staff.

The many opportunities for public service can be exciting and interesting and will give you the chance to use your special skills and knowledge to improve the quality of life of all citizens – your friends, your family and of course yourself. Serving a term on a governing advisory board or on special project studies can be very self-satisfying and well as providing a “graduate level” educational opportunity.

You can be very selective on the topics that are of particular interest to you and you can control the demands on your time to match what you are willing to give. Public service can be a true life enriching experience.

JOIN OUR TALENT BANK – Let us know your interests or let’s just talk and we will try to guide you to what could be a possible place to start. If what you are interested in is not currently available we will keep your information on file and contact you when an appropriate opportunity arises.

IF YOU CANNOT CONTRIBUTE YOUR TIME JUST YET – Please consider contributing your money! – Make checks payable to: “The Bound Brook Democratic Municipal Committee” 44 W. Union Avenue, Bound Brook NJ 08805
Until Next time,